Wednesday, November 09, 2005


ok - I guess I'm stuck on protection but I think it is quite important!!!

Keep Our soldiers from the snares the enemy has laid for them, from the traps set by evildoers. Let the wicked fall into their own nets, while our men pass by in safety.
Psalm 141:9-10

Keep in touch with our maker ya'll!!!

Tracy Simpler, Paul Stacks and Bobby Hinson in Canada (I think)

If you would like copies of these I can email them to you!!!

Lee in Kuwait just prior to leaving

And here we have one of my challenges for the coming year: Libby. She is 2 going on 25. She completely comes up with stuff like this on her on. When I hear "Mommy wook ah me" I just hold my breath. She has nicknames by 2 close friends of ours: wildcat and treeclimber, (If the picture doesn't say it all about her personality) !!


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