Saturday, January 28, 2006

Am I qualified to do this????

God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the Called

Many of you have seen this attached to my emails recently. It was sent as a part of a much longer email not long ago - I dont remember which one. It sounded like a great line, I added to my signature line. I am sure it has touched a few people. It touches me each time I read it. Tonight however it touched me in a sort of kicked up way. Don't get me wrong - I feel like most of us are past the "man this is hard!!!" stage soon to be the "i don't want to say goodbye again!!!" stage. It isn't over yet. But as the middle draws near I am in awe at the diverse group of people that this war affects. Even in our small group we have so many walks of life represented. This affects us in so many ways. God didn't choose a certain type of "qualified" people to endure this journey, He chose you. You and I may not be qualified to deal with tomorrow, but He can qualify us to endure the hardest of days if we will just sit at His feet and ask.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Troy night out for the girls

This is a picture From Saturday January 21. A few of the women came to Troy where we enjoyed a movie, dinner, and most of all each other's company. I would encourage any woman that has a deployed soldier to be a part of this. I get a lot out of spending time with other women in the same situation as I am. This is not an exclusive group and we would like to see more faces with us. Please email me or Tracy Simpler if you have any questions about becoming a part of this group-- or

Women (and one little woman) pictured are: Teresa McGough, Angie Sanders, Libby Barnes, Angie Barnes, Tracy Simpler, Amanda Barefoot, Gail Tyree, Kelly Hart, Joy'l Herrington, Dana Theilacker, Joyce Stinson and Malinn Kostalecky.

Some sites to see

These are photos from Randy Barefoot on one of his missions.


And Who said the Desert is Drab?

I believe this is one of the best pictures i have seen yet. This is Tracy Simpler and Gavin Kostalecky. Gavin's wife Malinn wanted to help them brighten things up a bit. I love it!!

Friday, January 20, 2006

3rd of the 117th

Hey everyone!! Just want to send out a special prayer for the 3/117 th today. They will begin their journey home soon and just pray for their safe return. They hope to be back in Troy no later that early next week. We are so proud of you guys and are so excited for you. We will continue to pray for protection for you until your "boots" are back in Pike County!!!!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

the soldier and the spider

this was copied from the Website they have great little devotions on there!!!

During the War, a US marine was separated from his unit. The fighting had been intense, and in the smoke and the crossfire he had lost touch with his comrades. Alone in the hills, he could hear enemy soldiers coming in his direction. Scrambling for cover, he found his way up a high ridge to several small caves in the rock. Quickly he crawled inside one of the caves. Although safe for the moment, he realized that once the enemy soldiers looking for him swept up the ridge, they would quickly search all the caves and he would be killed. As he waited, he prayed, "Lord, if it be your will, please protect me. Whatever your will though, I love you and trust you. Amen." After praying, he lay quietly listening to the enemy begin to draw close. He thought, "Well, I guess the Lord isn't going to help me out of this one.." Then he saw a spider begin to build a web over the front of his cave. As he watched, listening to the enemy searching for him all the while, the spider layered strand after strand of web across the opening of the cave. "Ha, he thought. "What I need is a brick wall and what the Lord has sent me is a spider web. God does have a sense of humor." As the enemy drew closer he watched from the darkness of his hideout and could see them searching one cave after another. As they came to his, he got ready to make his last stand. To his amazement, however, after glancing in the direction of his cave, they moved on. Suddenly, he realized that with the spider web over the entrance, his cave looked as if no one had entered for quite a while. "Lord, forgive me," prayed the young man. "I had forgotten that in you a spider's web is stronger than a brick wall." We all face times of great trouble. When we do, it is so easy to forget the victories that God would work in our lives, sometimes in the most surprising ways. As the great leader, Nehemiah, reminded the people of Israel when they faced the task of rebuilding Jerusalem,
"In God we will have success!" [Nehemiah 2:20] Remember: Whatever is happening in your life, with God, a mere spider's web can become a brick wall of protection. Believe He is with you always. Just speak His name through Jesus His son, and you will see His great power and love in your life.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

The Race Marked Out For Us

Lee attended the "Walk to Emmaus" over a year ago and I found the theme verse for his walk today. I wanted to share it with everyone. The verse is from Hebrews.

"Let us run with perserverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith" Hebrews 12:1-2

What an inspiration it is to know that no matter what trials we face, all we have to do is focus on our Lord Jesus. He is the author and perfector. He is eternity. This year is not. This life is not what will matter when those eatern skies open up. The verse above is the end of what talks about "sin that entangles us". We all need to ask ourselves: "What entangles me? What holds me back from that focus on Jesus? What is keeping me from winning that race?" We all have a different answer to the questions, but we all seek the same finish line. Our life is the race. This trial is only a few feet. We are almost halfway there. All we have to do is keep our eyes on Jesus. Then this time won't seem so long.

Keep on Praying!!


(by the way- if anyone wants to know more about the "Walk to Emmaus" let me know. It is a life changing experience. They have them at Blue Lake but we attended the one at Camp Alamisco on Lake Martin. You do have to be sponsored to go. I would love to share my experience with anyone who is interested. Thanks!!!)

Some pictures to share from Taji

The following are pictures from Lee's first mission. He is in HQ platoon, and was ready to go. They finally found someone who could put up with him long enough to let him outside the fence!!!! He enjoyed it thoroughly. He hopes to get to go more often as people come home on leave.

Chad Henderson


Jeff Birge and Stafford Still

Lee and sunrise at the destination

Chris Martin