Saturday, November 26, 2005
The little things
A very dear friend of mine sent this to me - she probably didn't expect for me to put all of it on here. I removed names for privacy. This is a poem from a church bulletin that she sent. The rest is the email that was attached - it was so meaningful to me that I wanted to share it with everyone.
Thank you God for the little things that often come our way.
The things we take for granted but don’t mention when we pray.
The unexpected courtesy, the thoughtful kindly deed
A hand reached out to help us in time of sudden need.
Oh, make us more aware, dear God, of little daily graces.
After reading this I thought about all the “little things” in life that we often take for granted. Since deployment I have come to realize that most of the “BIG THINGS” really don’t matter as much as I once thought. I miss holding his hand when we’re in the car and touching his leg with my FREEZING COLD feet in bed. I’m sure you feel the same way. Anyway, those are the “little things” I am so very thankful for and those are the little things I look forward to doing again. Only next time I’ll appreciate the “moment” a WHOLE LOT MORE!!!
Also, I am thankful for you and all the other ladies I have grown so close to during this short time. God has given us a wonderful opportunity to touch lives we probably would have never touched without this deployment. We have an opportunity to make new friends and strengthen old/existing friendships. (From the wife of one of our sweet soldiers)
I pray that everyone is seeing the small things that are important- may God remove the scales from our eyes so that we can see the true gifts of life
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
helpful information
once again I am a week out from my last post - i plan on posting more prayers and scripture soon. Tonight i have a small piece of helpful info that has helped me prepare packages without having to run to the post office every week. The usps has a care kit that contains several boxes along with customs forms and priority tape. My postal carrier picks mine up for me - i believe it is the same everywhere - you can find this article on the website if you search for military - it is the first item in the results. There is a number to call and you can order this kit referred to as Carekit04. youwill not find this in their online store - or at least i couldn't. They did not ask my relation to military - so i assume anyone can order this. It takes about 7-10 days to arrive and is only used for priorty mail (which most of us use) I hope this helps yall - please call me or email if you have any questions. Let me know if and when any of you have little information like this to share- some of us may not know yet - i heard about this from a wife of someone in full time army. I promise more prayers are coming soon. Stay strong and Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
Here's the link - if you can't open it - follow the instructions above or email me and i can email it to you..
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
being thankful
Sorry everyone that it has been a while- things have been a little busy the past few days. It has been a week full of kids and talking to Lee over the webcams and yahoo IM. Which is great, but bittersweet at the same time. I can see him but I can't touch him, which can be a little difficult and I am quite sure many of you can relate to that. I got a card from encouragement today from P.J. McClung and his wife, Donna. I'm sure many of you who have had someone in the 1/117th for a while remember him from when he was in the unit. PJ and his family have a special place in our hearts. You see he was there the day that Lee and I began our life together. He was the preacher that called on the Lord to recognize our marriage. And he layed a blessing on our wedding that day like none I had ever heard. I believe that prayer lasted longer than the rest of the wedding all together. I can really appreciate that now. Because God has blessed us in every way imaginable. We have a marriage that will last through the hard stuff.
We had supper at the church tonight and the preacher got up and was talking about Thanksgiving and he asked what everyone was thankful for. Several people shared, including myself ( thankful for the men and women who fight in other countries for our freedoms that we enjoy ). After I got home and read the card, it brought back those memories when Lee and I began this journey together. This, my life, is what I am thankful for. I love everything that God has allowed in my possesion to take care of while he wants me to. And most of all, it is an honor and privilege to be married to a man that will go halfway around the world and do something that only he and the others over there with him can understand. They have a sense of duty that goes beyond the reach of what most of us can comprehend. Whether those guys are your husband, your father, your brother, your nephew, your cousin, your son or your friend; you have something to be thankful for. They are the gift of freedom. And for them I am thankful.
I am repeating myself with this prayer - yall have seen it here before. But it fits.
And this is the verse that was sent in the card from PJ and Donna.
God I pray that we would not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, would present our requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, would guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. (Philipians 4:6,7.)
As always, I would love to receive scripture that you enjoy. I don't care if I know you personally. If you have any soldier on your mind and want to pray for them, please email me.
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
ok - I guess I'm stuck on protection but I think it is quite important!!!
Keep Our soldiers from the snares the enemy has laid for them, from the traps set by evildoers. Let the wicked fall into their own nets, while our men pass by in safety.
Psalm 141:9-10
Keep in touch with our maker ya'll!!!
If you would like copies of these I can email them to you!!!

Lee in Kuwait just prior to leaving

Tuesday, November 08, 2005
address is official now-
Email was sent out from Joyl Herrington with the following address - please send these guys mail and soon.
It may take a while.
B 1/117 FA
APO AE 09378
Sunday, November 06, 2005
Where did all that candy go???
OK it is hard not knowing - not being able to pick up the phone and say - just making sure you are ok, do you want to have lunch at the Mexican place... Anyone with me? Yes I should be past this, or should I? Sorry - never done this before - and I missed dress rehearsal I suppose.
Our trials (this would count) are supposed to make us stronger. I joked with Lee before he left and talked about how I would be tough when he got back. It seems as though the week he left is when everything started happening. A breaker was needing to be fixed, someone was ugly to me at my child's school and top it off with a flat tire (brand new tires by the way) and you have: weary. Dial 1-800 cry-baby right? Well I just had to take a few steps back and say "you are a big girl; step up to the plate and swing." I found out the breaker is just doing its job- so the house probably wont burn down. Put the one who was ugly to me on the back burner. Went and got the tire fixed took 5 minutes and 5 dollars ( would have been free if I wasn't so hard headed). In other words- I'm making it. In fact - a year ago when I had some idea that Lee may be deployed it was so devastating of a thought. But now - he is gone and it seems like -a purpose.
Yes I still have bad days - Friday being one of them. We ate halloween candy for supper - no not kidding (sorry Lee) The bucket was full and the quickest way to get it out of the house was to let them eat it. And I was tired - so I did something brand new and we ate snickers, kit kats, 3 musketeers, smarties and mary janes until we couldn't eat any more. The kids absolutely adored me when we were done and I felt better than I had in weeks. Go ahead and call DHR. I'm doing the best I can - we just changed up the food pyramid for a day - so what?
But back to the point (hope yall enjoyed that) We (all of us) have to believe in what is going on where the boys are. I do believe that God has purpose for the journey that they will take. I have full confidence also that he has purpose for each of us back home. Please know that whatever you face: whether it is learning the latest plumbing techniques, learning to ask for help, or if you are having to put on all that gear just to walk outside and numerous other things in the desert that we cannot imagine over here; they are the works of your maker. Start looking at these things with purpose. Be bold - it is ok to ask God- how can I use this for You? It might not be obvious right now - but one day He will allow you to glorify Him- if you will.
"Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
Isaiah 41:10
My prayer for myself and my new extended family - soldiers and loved ones alike: God I pray that all of us would not fear, but feel your presence for you are with us. That we would not be dismayed because you are our God. I pray that you would strengthen us and help us and uphold us with your righteous right hand. Thank you God that you are in control and we are not. God I pray for those tonight who need you the most, and I pray for those who feel that they need you the least. God I pray that you touch everyone with your Holy Spirit that we all would call your name before our own will and strength is depleted. I pray these things in Jesus Christ our Lord's name. Amen
They have made it
I got an email from Lee - he said that phones were shut down for right now. He made it to Camp Taji and was with his friend Donnie Barron who is with the 3/117th and he emailed me from his room. HQ and maintenance have made it there and the other platoons were still waiting at 4:00 am our time according to one of the wives. Hopefully they will all be together soon. Lee was very positive about where they are. I just wanted to let everyone know since the phones are down right now and they may have a hard time calling. Hope everyone is well on this side of the world.
Please email me if you need me to post anything- thanks!!!
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Your soldier's protection
I have a book I'm sure many of you had heard of and/or have. I used to keep it right with my Bible and used it often. It is "The Power of a Praying Wife". (IT does not have a money back guarantee by the way!! :) ). It is not intended to change your husband or make him like you want him. But it will teach you to pray for him with all of your heart and depend on God as your resource for comfort and control. I had not picked it up in a while until today. To be honest I was running out of inspiration, and what a great resource this book is!
If you do not have it - get it. Any of the Stormie Omartian books have great scripture prayers in them. Pick up any of them, if you can't find the one for wives get the "Power of a Praying Mother" They are all full of great content that can be used in a multitude of circumstances.
Tonight I go to God to pray for protection for our men as they will be continuing their journey soon.
"The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. I will call upon the Lord who is worthy to be praised; so shall I be saved from my enemies." Psalm 18:2,3
Dear God you are the rock and deliverer of these men. You are their God, their strength in whom they trust. You are the shield and horn of their salvation and their stronghold. God I pray that they will call upon you so that they shall be saved from their enemies. God just place a wall of protection around them and keep all safe and intact from head to toe. With Jesus as our Lord we pray. Amen.
Don't stop praying. God bless the 1/117th.
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
officially unofficial
I have an address. It is not official but I have verified with 3 people in Andalusia, Troy (3/117) and FRG in Montgomery. So there is one more line of communication that we are waiting on to make it "official".... too funny!! :) God bless the men who deal with this everyday. You are doing a great job.
Michael Lee Barnes
B 1/117 FA
APO AE 09378
All you need is the soldier's full name. Please do not include rank for security reasons. If you have already sent something to someone and are reading this please do not panic. It is not a big deal. It will get to them and all is ok. Just in the future don't include it and all will be fine.
Hope everyone is doing ok and we are doing ok in Troy. Please email me with any scripture you want included or any prayer requests you may have.
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
mailing address
For family and friends - I know everyone has been patiently waiting on an address. Other blogs for the 117th have posted one and I'm pretty sure it is correct. I just want to make sure myself that it is official. Others that have family over there now have told me that it should not include rank- so- I hope tomorrow to get one on that I can back up with an official name where it came from - I just want to make sure what you send will get to him and not get sent back because it was addressed wrong. Will post tomorrow.
Thanks everyone!!
Staying Strong
"For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding. And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to His glorious might so you may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light" Colossians 1:9-12
That is a lot to pray for I know. But the key things to pray for ourselves and our soldiers are in this verse. First, we must not stop praying. Then we have to seek God's will for understanding of what we are facing. We all need to remember to please God with our actions and not get on the "pity party wagon". So to do that we have to ask for endurance and patience. Now the thing to take note of here is that God doesn't throw any old power out there, it is the power according to His glorious might. He gives us the same power that He has to get through this. Pray that you and your soldier would be able to sense that power and that we would be so strong that we will give thanks to He who has given us our inheritance of the saints.
In His grace,